Google Cloud Platform

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Waylay and Google Cloud

Key features of the Waylay orchestration engine:

  • Integrate multiple-source IoT and IT data across different vendors and technologies
  • Advanced automation – move beyond threshold crossing into real automation
  • Real-time stream processing – put your analytics model to work for monitoring, fault management, optimization or predictive maintenance
  • Microservice orchestration
  • Powerful APIs framework – share IoT data with your customers and partners to enable multi-user applications

Key features of the Google Cloud IoT Core solution:

  • End-to-end security – Enable end-to-end security using certificate-based authentication and TLS; devices running Android Things or ones supporting the Cloud IoT Core security requirements can deliver full stack security.
  • Serverless infrastructure: Scale instantly without limits using horizontal scaling on Google’s serverless platform.
  • Role-level data control – Apply IAM roles to devices to control access to devices and data.
  • Automatic device deployment – Use REST APIs to automatically manage the registration, deployment and operation of devices at scale.

The partnership between Waylay and Google Cloud enables customers to better and faster go from data to business value in enterprise-level IoT solutions.

For more information on how we work with the Google Cloud IoT Core please contact us, request a demo, or find us on GCP.

About Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a public cloud provider offering a comprehensive suite of computing services. These services range from data management and web delivery to advanced tools for AI and machine learning. Customers can utilize computing resources located in Google's global data centers, available either for free or on a pay-per-use basis.

About the Waylay partnership